Good Samaritan Council 6175

Family of the Month

The Family of the Month is a member of our Catholic Community selected by the Grand Knight as people who collectively exemplify in their daily lives the principles of Christ in Action.

Keith and Renee Ball and Family
August 1999

Tradition is a hallmark of stability in any family. It reinforces values and can promote stewardship. It is often a precursor to leading by example. When I see little children at the Barn, I can’t help but feel that they are blessed because their parents cared enough to bring them to such a warm, nurturing community. When these parents go further and give of themselves, through their time and talents, I know their children are leading special lives. One special family has a history – a tradition - of stewardship at Good Sam’s. Their children are familiar with its facility as well as its mission. Whether assisting or merely enjoying the camaraderie of our larger Catholic community, they are an example of Christ in Action. It is a great pleasure to recognize the Keith and Renee Ball family as the August Family of the Month.

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