August 1999 Good Samaritan Council No. 6175 "The Council with a Heart"
Grand Knight's Message
Dear Brother Knights:
In July we celebrated our nation’s birthday and I couldn’t help reflecting on the sacrifices so many people made for our freedom. I also saw "Saving Private Ryan" and was especially moved by the concept of "earning" the freedom and lifestyle we enjoy. This past month I had several opportunities to think about this notion of "earning" things in life.
Christ has taught that we can’t get into heaven by doing good deeds. Yet, I have also been taught that doing good deeds is a reflection of your faith and desire to be Christ-like. I have decided to view my participation in activities at Che Hostel as perhaps a small way to reflect my appreciation for the freedoms and lifestyle I enjoy here. I also hope that it reflects the Christian faith and the promises of eternal salvation. I know, pretty heavy stuff, but that is what this column is about. In any event, I have also spent some time thinking about how neato it is that so many other people see our community at Good Sam’s as a vehicle to "earn" the freedom and lifestyle they enjoy. By giving to the community at large through our charitable activities or by giving to the organization so that it continues to operate as a vehicle for charitable giving, our members demonstrate loudly by their actions that they know they have been blessed.
Of course, one of the multitude of great things about being a Knight that often gets forgotten is that we can meet our goals of being Christ in Action even if we are away from the Barn. I think it is important to remember that each is called to serve and "earn" our lifestyles and reflect our faith in their own ways. We each have our own ministry. I also believe that our ministries change. So, if you have been looking for a place to serve, give me a call. If you haven’t been involved but would like to give a few hours over the next month or so, stop by. Even if you just want to relax, drop in. Remember that fraternity is a principle of the order and that being a friend can be part of your ministry as well.
The Deputy has things well in order for the next few months. Check out his column for ideas. Enjoy the dog days of August. Remember to be Christ in Action.
Grand Knight
Dear Brother Knights:
As I sit here at the end of July, it dawned on me as I was nearing the end of this report and started highlighting upcoming events in September that this summer has been flying past us. I guess it is a good sign that we have been so busy around the council that we haven’t really noticed the passing of time. July has been a busy month, but compared to what looms ahead on the calendar, this almost looks like it has been the easy part of the schedule.
The Compass and Anchor Club held its annual meeting, and elected several new members to the board of directors – congratulations to all. Also, congratulations are in order for the newly elected officers of the C&A; these are President Jim Boland, Vice-President Jack McDonald, Treasurer Don Trinite, and Secretary Joe Belzile. I look forward to working with each of you throughout the fraternal year.
During July, we also served as the host council for the state organizational meeting that was held at St. Joseph’s. Thanks to PGK Joe Bergeman for coordinating the lunch festivities. On this same weekend, several members of the council participated in the District installation of officers at St. Catherine’s parish; we were honored to be joined at this event by Good Samaritan’s own, the worthy State Deputy Les Gallipo.
On July 25th, brother "Clarence" Andy Anderson pulled together a team to spread some mulch and do some other gardening work over at St. Joseph’s. Brother Knights answering Andy’s call were John Godish, Joe Adams, Jeff Broe, Lou Goffredo and Walt Lina. Thank you, gentlemen, for truly showing Christ in Action in service to our church.
The calendar of events for the coming fraternal year is filling up fast. On the first weekend in August, we will be holding our annual family camp-out. This year, the camp-out will be at Lake Fairfax Park; Brother Tom Busey is chairing this event, so contact him for additional details.
Also coming up in August, on the 5th, is the first 1st Degree exemplification of the New Year. I understand as of this writing that we may have as many as 8 new candidates that night. As we move into the new millennium, I’d like to challenge each of my brother Knights to recruit a new member for our Council this year; it is only the strength and commitment of our membership that will allow this council to continue as a leader in Columbianism.
On August 13th, a number of us will be traveling to Newport News for the state softball tournament. Anyone interested in playing or coming along to cheer should contact Bob Gannon or Scott Buckman.
At the end of the month, on August 26th, we will be holding the drawing for the Redskins raffle tickets. It looks like we will have several Redskins present for this drawing, and we hope to have a nice turnout; contact Scott Bayless for details on the activities on the night of the drawing. We can only hold this drawing, and make this raffle a profitable event for our council, if all of us chip in our share in selling raffle tickets. If each of our 500+ members were to sell just 10 raffle tickets, the council would net over $10,000 on this event. Please, sell those tickets. If you haven’t been contacted, but want to participate in the sales, contact the Grand Knight or myself, and we will be happy to take care of you.
Looking ahead to September, the circus will be coming to town on the 2nd and 3rd at Belmont Country Club, a mile or two west on Route 7; Ray Bradish is heading up this activity. On that same weekend, the council will be sending at least one, and maybe two, teams to the K of C national softball tournament in Oceanside, NY; POCs are again Bob Gannon or Scott Buckman. The first heritage dinner will be held on Friday the 3rd, and the monthly breakfasts will be commencing again on the second Sunday. Also, look elsewhere in this handout for information on the third annual Jack Goggins Memorial Golf Tournament, to be held September 20th; Tony Rulli is our able chairman for this event.
Don’t forget about the Friday night dinners, and Steak Night on the last Friday of each month.
Mike Leddy
Deputy Grand Knight/Program Director
Knight of the Month
The Knight of the Month is a brother Knight selected by the Grand Knight as someone who exemplifies in his daily life the principles of Christ in Action.
I once heard that giving of oneself is truly a selfish act because it usually makes one feel so good. If one accepts this premise, I need to recognize a truly selfish person because he consistently gives of himself for our community. He is truly Christ in Action in that he gives with little fanfare, yet is reliable and consistent, helping both Council and facility activities. His youth is a blessing to our community as I hope he will be a part of all our lies for years to come. He is a strong example of the faith and one I am proud to identify as brother Knight. It is a great pleasure to recognize Mike Zavala as our August Knight of the Month.
Family of the Month
The Family of the Month is a member of our Catholic Community selected by the Grand Knight as people who collectively exemplify in their daily lives the principles of Christ in Action.
Tradition is a hallmark of stability in any family. It reinforces values and can promote stewardship. It is often a precursor to leading by example. When I see little children at the Barn, I can’t help but feel that they are blessed because their parents cared enough to bring them to such a warm, nurturing community. When these parents go further and give of themselves, through their time and talents, I know their children are leading special lives. One special family has a history – a tradition - of stewardship at Good Sam’s. Their children are familiar with its facility as well as its mission. Whether assisting or merely enjoying the camaraderie of our larger Catholic community, they are an example of Christ in Action. It is a great pleasure torecognize the Keith and Renee Ball family as the August Family of the Month.
This article is designed to provide the membership with background on some of the activities of the Council
Activity: BLOOD DRIVE at St. Joseph's Church by the Good Samaritan Council
St. Joseph’s Church has been having blood drives conducted by INOVA, previously Fairfax Hospital, for nearly 24 years. There are approximately 100 pints of blood donated by parishioners every three months. The Knights of Columbus has coordinated the blood drive at St. Joseph's, we could use more volunteers from Brother Knights.
INOVA Blood Donor Services supplies all equipment necessary for donating blood, except for tables and chairs. They supply cookies and juices, and all sign-up materials. A Brother Knight volunteer plans, in cooperation with the St. Joseph's parish office and INOVA, the donation dates. The set-up of tables and chairs in the parish hall is done on the preceding Saturday afternoon (around 4:00 p.m.).
Clean up is done immediately after the donations are completed, and INOVA is moving out of the hall.
Coffee is made and ready by 7:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.
An hour or two donated by several Brother Knights can aid in this process:
This year the Council has schedule eight 8) Heritage Dinners. They will begin in September. I am looking for volunteers to fill in the schedule. At this time, I just need you to commit to do one. Details will be worked out when the Council Calendar of events is published.
A word might be in order for new members (and for some of the old members who experience Senior Moments with greater frequency these days!) about the origin and purpose of this particular event which we began as a Council nine years ago. In keeping with our Catholic Tradition, the purpose is to bring us together to share a meal, friendship, fraternity and family.
Secondary to that, remember those times when you could not wait to go to Mom's, Grandma's or Auntie Em's or Uncle Ernie's for a special meal that only she or he could make? I am guessing it was probably an ethnic, family or regional dish. That's part of your heritage!
The Council invites you to share that heritage with your Brother Knights and their families.
Please contact me at 444-0554 if you would like to schedule a Friday night Heritage Dinner.
Jim Boland PGK
Family Campout
August 6, 7, and 8
Lake Fairfax Park
Site reserved accommodates 55 people.
Cost is $2.61 each person, each night
Lake Fairfax Attractions
Water Mine Pool Fishing Boating Hiking
Contact Tom Busey at 904-0928
for more
information and reservations.
State Softball Tournament
August 14 -15- 16
At Walter Pollard Council
In Newport News, VA
Call Bobby Gannon at 430-5931
for directions and information
Brother Knights get your tickets to sell or just buy them all for your chance at the 50-yard line Club Seats. Contact PGK Joe Bergeman, Brian Madden or Joe Novak if you need to pick up your tickets or sell more.
Season Ticket Drawing at the Barn
Thursday, August 26, 1999
Come watch one of your favorite Redskins
pull your winning ticket.
POSTED: JULY 22, 1999
-- Coming Soon --
Columbus Dinner - Dance
Saturday, November 6, 1999
Tickets: $35.00 each couple
Dancing: 9:00 PM to Midnight
Free Beer, Wine and Soda
Rich Castellano will chair this event
Watch the Handout for more information
Golf Tournament Information
Good Samaritan Council will be hosting the 3rd annual Jack Goggins Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, September 20, 1999. The tournament will be held at Reston National Golf Course in Reston, VA. The cost to participate in the tournament is set at $75.00 per player, a $20.00 increase over last year's cost. The reason for the increase is to offset higher costs associated with having the tournament at a local golf course. Course fees at Reston National are $18.00 higher than the course fees from last year's tournament. Reston National was chosen in hopes of increasing player participation. Our goal is to field 18 foursomes or 72 players. All proceeds from the tournament will go to the Council in the name of the Jack Goggins Memorial Fund. Non golfers and merchants may also participate in this event as a sponsor. For more information, please see the tournament flyers printed elsewhere in the Handout, or call Tony Rulli at 430-9328. Flyers are also posted on the bulletin board at the barn.
Happy Birthday
Gary D. Ball PGK FDD August 1
Mark J. Griffin August 1
Jim T. Kelly PGK August 1
Gerald J. Stueve August 1
Kelly Featherstone August 1
Ryan Sobek August 1
Virginia A. Yates August 1
Jim L. King III August 2
Mary Barnes August 2
Edwina C. Madigan August 2
Lawrence Sobek III August 3
Philip P. Harris August 4
Charles G. Haynes III August 4
Larry M. Durkin August 5
Nicole Lina August 5
Dan J. Korbini August 6
Patricia Hinko August 6
Marla C. Sacco August 6
Peter Stapor August 6
Rita Stuekerjuergen August 6
John G. McWilliams PGK August 7
Carl J. Tacci August 7
Carliegh Conroy August 7
Timothy R. Di Geronimo August 7
Ethel L. Obenauer August 7
Ronna Ellen Schenk August 7
Keith D. Ball August 8
Larry F. Jayne PGK August 8
Henry M. Renaud August 8
John J. Sandy August 8
Roberta S. Mielwocki August 8
Christopher Millar August 8
Ronnie Scifo Jr August 8
Robert K. Short August 8
Joseph W. Bergeman PGK, DD August 9
William F. McCarthy August 9
Michael J. Bourgeois August 9
Dave J. Kendra August 10
Pierre A. Choiniere August 10
Kathryn A. D'Amato August 10
Rosemary Dobiac August 10
Jack Dwyer August 10
Tony Fajardo August 10
Patricia A. O'Neil Sears August 10
Jay J. McCarthy August 11
Ben Pratt August 11
Michael F. Schnittker August 11
Lisa M. Lantzy August 11
Nicole Mich August 11
Gretchen D. Shaw August 11
Jeffrey J. Stewart August 11
Scott Vezina August 11
John A. Higgins August 12
Kathleen M. Bretschnieder August 12
Melissa Dowe August 12
Frances C. Hernandez August 12
Pat L. Biniek August 13
Rev Edmund F. Carroll TOR August 13
Richard J. Ferris August 13
Mike P. Hudak August 13
Dianna Lombardo August 13
Christine Peters August 13
Shanelle Schulze August 13
Louis J. Moschetto August 14
James Bergfeld August 14
Elizabeth Davis August 14
Roberta L. Ford August 14
John P. Gagliardi August 15
Glenn Dzombar August 15
Patricia L. McNally August 15
Mary B. Neville August 15
Timothy Sullivan August 15
Mary Ann Thomas August 15
Hector R. Garcia August 16
Douglas K. Fortney August 16
Aaron Light August 16
Harris Moriarty August 16
Danny D. Rucker August 17
Katie Dzombar August 17
Elizabeth Ann Ogozalek August 17
Rick J. Canton August 18
Thaddeus B. Szymanski August 18
Lisa Everson August 18
Sununta S. Schnittker August 18
Sheila M. Thomas August 18
Tamar Lynn Whipple August 18
Kim Marie Pratt August 19
George T. Andres August 20
Patricia A. Andres August 20
Sarmila Chowdhury August 20
Eric Pankau August 20
Dave W. Balding August 21
Neil V. D'Amato August 21
Christopher H. Hull August 21
Joseph A. Marsten August 21
Paul I. Allen August 22
Jeff D. Grammo August 22
Christopher P. O'Donnell August 22
Andres S. Frapiccini August 22
Marilynn T. Katein August 22
Martha Morgan August 22
Brien Stratmoen August 22
Mark D. Balensky August 23
Dave J. Conway August 23
Gregory J. Michna August 23
Patrick J. Mooney August 23
Thomas A. Moschetto August 23
Nancy Quade August 23
Denny J. Rodgers August 24
Antonio Dene August 25
Cindy Goffredo August 25
Patricia A. Karhuse August 25
Henry B. Becker August 26
Jim A. McDonald August 26
Sue Gallipo August 26
David Mark Lachendro August 26
Chris M. Hines August 27
Wayne L. Winters August 27
Mark Bowen August 27
Janet P. Fairbank August 27
Andrew Pukal August 27
Frederick W. Gibb III August 28
Fran P. Labate Jr August 28
Leo A. Morin PGK August 28
Janet M. King August 28
Eva L. Neary August 28
Craig W. Stewart August 28
Renee A. Ball August 29
Sharon Curtis August 29
Terri Klaiss August 29
Frank G. Jones August 30
Adam Bradish August 30
Jenny Klein August 30
Everett V. Barnes Jr August 31
Larry Braig August 31
Lisa M. Flanagan August 31
Daniel Gallagher August 31
Kyle Gallo August 31
Megan Malacarne August 31
Happy Anniversary
Frank & Edith Lysy August 4
Jim & Vi Murphy August 4
Ken & Diane Marie Schneider August 4
Mike & Kathleen Dowe August 5
Allen & Margaret Kopp August 6
Paul & Maria Mich August 6
Paul & Mary Ann Krug August 6
Mike & Debra Hudak August 7
Mark & Leigh Ann Finley August 8
Ken & Kim Marie Pratt August 8
Gerald & Gretchen Shaw August 9
Kenneth & Teresa Short August 9
Thomas & Elizabeth Moschetto August 9
Alan & Magdalena Graff August 11
James & Margaret Brown August 12
Rick & Cynthia Myers August 12
Larry & Patricia Durkin August 14
Walter & Cathy Lina August 15
Vincent & Marla Sacco August 15
Donald & Doreen LaVelle August 17
Bob & Michelle Lee Burrell August 18
Paul & Connie Sawtell August 18
John & Laura Lechler August 19
Joseph & Virginia Bergeman August 19
Lou & Cindy Goffredo August 19
John & Donna Slye August 20
Doc & Jeannine Dollard August 22
Hilary & Joyce Lombardo August 26
Doug & Betty Schmude August 26
Dr. Robert & Barbara Miller August 28
Tom & Anne Williams August 29
Tim & Sandra Baltz August 29
Stephen & Marie Louise Moriarty August 29
Joe & Virginia Yates August 30
Calvin & Nancy Mowry August 30
Paul & Jacinta Porto August 30
Joseph & Danielle Zadrozny August 30
Mark & Lisa Flanagan August 31
Saturday, October 16, 1999
We will be trucking our way up into the hills of West Virginia hopefully with a caravan of trucks filled with your "Out of date", "Tight Fitting", "Loose Fitting", "Unwanted" or "Unneeded", "Out Grown" clothing (summer, fall, winter or spring – we’ll take any and every season’s clothing – But No Shoes please) up to Father Ivan and Assumption Catholic Church, in Keyser, West Virginia.
So mark you calendars and start saving and packing away that old clothing in strong plastic trash bags for our Fourth Annual Clothing Drive.
We have been collecting excess clothing every fall for the last 3 years, for Father Ivan’s (formally of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Herndon) parish community in Keyser where over 54 % of the residents are living BELOW the national poverty level. Father runs a clothes closet for men’s, women’s and children’s clothing. There is no charge for this clothing. Note from Father:
"May God Bless you and your families for thinking of and continuing to help our families who would otherwise go without."
Financial Secretary Needed
We need a Brother Knight to accept the important position of Financial Secretary. It is the only paid position in the Council. Training is available. If you have an interest in this position or simply want to know what the duties and responsibilities are, please call or see GK Tom Plofchan, DGK Mike Leddy, or FS Roger Raslavsky.